Top 20 NuGet .netcore Packages

A .Net Core library that executes SOAP service calls using REST SHARP and maps the result to your generic object.
This Library Contains Implementation of IModelValidator based on FluentValidation Library
Package Description
HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp.Core is a partial port of HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp for .NET Core
Fast Data Access, your database should belong to SubSonic.
Package Description
This tools is used to compile client web files in your .NET Core application.
Tools to keep build pipelines sane while .NET Core matures
An owin middleware for swagger documentation using swagger specification (Json/Yaml) with custom UI.
Use this for Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs back end operations.
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to configure Wiremock application.
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to create System tests and Component tests for microservices.
A simple Riemann driver for C#
Includes a model and interface for communicating with Google Maps geocoding provider. The API returns latitude/longitude coordinates and normalized address information. Based on fork of ‘chadly/’ project.
A collection of useful type extensions used for .NET Core application development.
A collection of static classes for debugging and diagnostics of program contracts such as preconditions, postconditions, and invariants.