Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

.NET library that mimics behaviour of some Haskell functions and types.
Content presented at .NET Users Group meetings hosted at Gallup Riverfront Omaha.
A .NET Standard library which styles the text using Unicode characters
A .NET Core Global Tool for interacting with the open source living documentation system Augurk
LogFramework is a simple, cross-platform, and open source framework at the logging facade level of abstraction so application code can essentially be independent of any particular logging library/implementation.
.NET library implementing YAML serialization for RabbitMQ.TraceableMessaging
.NET library implementing JWT support for RabbitMQ.TraceableMessaging
.NET library implementing JSON serialization for RabbitMQ.TraceableMessaging
Implementation of RPC over RabbitMQ with Application Insights distributed tracing. Library supports optional authorization based on JWT bearer token.
Base .NET library to implement RPC over RabbitMQ with distributed traceability (Application Insights, OpenTracing etc.). Library supports optional authorization based on bearer token.
Popular .Net Core / .Net Framework extension methods Project Site:
Package Description
Transpiler that takes CLR assemblies and outputs corresponding typescript definitions.
SS.CommonLib for .Net Framework
Package description
.Net HotReloading
.NET controls for WinForms with Skeet design. Controls: - Slider - Form - GroupBox - Button - CheckBox
Simple .net console logger that outputs messages in certain colors. Normal messages are white, success messages are green, warnings are yellow and errors are red. You can also log your entire console output to a file