Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

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The experimental library of Paraiba that is not well tested.
Makes your life easier to develop multiplatform applications
Cache method results
Simple console application boilerplate
NServiceBus transport for SQL Server Service Broker. Part of NServiceBus-Contrib.
Razor templates for custom file types that allows to use Razor engine features in any files.
A .NET client for interacting with Zoho CRM service
OpenTK support for NVorbis
jFluent is a Fluent style, light-weight validation framework for client-side validation. It is a jQuery plugin which can be used in ASP .NET MVC and also standard (or mobile) HTML websites.
A simple .net library for acessing the time tracking API of Harvest using TPL
Describe behaviour in plain text using the Gherkin business language, i.e. given, when, then. Easily execute the behaviour against matching F# tick methods (let ``tick method`` () = true) or attributed C# or F# methods.
TickSpec integration with Xunit. TickSpec is a lightweight Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework for .Net. Describe behaviour in plain text using the Gherkin business language, i.e. Given, When, Then. Easily execute the behaviour against matching F# 'ticked' methods ...
Provides an object renderer to integrate with log4net to dump exceptions (or any/all object types) using the ObjectPrinter. Also provides a log4net type inspector to prevent prevent dumping log4net objects that should be converted to strings.
StyleMVVM.Controls is the controls library to go with StyleMVVM
Freebase client that makes easier creating queries. Have sync and async model of quering. Results returned in list of dynamic objects
Fast and configurable repository implementation for multiple types of data sources.
.Net utils library
This project contains the pre-compiled protocol buffer classes of the Nohros Ruby for the .NET language.