Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Nequeo spelling United Kingdom component
Nequeo spelling United States component
A super quick localDb testing framework for use with Entity Framework. It uses a localDB instance for the entire test run's life. Each test's execution is wrapped into transaction to avoid test interfering with each other. This means the cost of setting up the DB is only paid once. That is when th...
NSourceMap - source maps for .NET
Yelp Fusion Client is a .NET wrapper for the Yelp REST API. The library is written in C#.
A fast and easy way to export a collection of any .Net class into an Excel spreadsheet.
Allows you design drivers (a Data Source) of flatbed scanner, web and digital camera and any other TWAIN device from .NET environment. You can use this library in your programs written in any programming languages compatible with .NET technology.
Simplifies the creation of a Data Source, if it returns a bitmap.
yemon-like console/terminal application in .net core
J3DI is a Domain-Driven Design framework for .NET Core and is intended to be minimalistic & cross-platform. This package, J3DI.Domain, is the foundation and may be used stand-alone.
.net trivial in-process counter implementation (thread-safe)
A blob lock written in ASP.NET and C# to use in multi-instance applications on Azure. A blob lock needs a connection string to the storage account, a container name and a name for the blob file.
A helpful library for including signals into your domain model.
Checks if id in url and body are the same for http put requests.
Lob API wrapper for .Net (unofficial)
A generic state machine framework.
. NET Assembly for the OR-Tools project, only. Compiled to work for x86. This is a mixed mode dll, it contains both managed and unmanaged code. Whilst the C# code incorrectley says AnyCPU it loads an x86 C++ dll.
A C# library for converting objects to url querystrings
This module makes use of the Describe Image method on the API to generate a description of an image that has been uploaded into Sitecore, this can then be set as the alt text. You will need to generate a API key for the Computer Vision API and add the key into AutoAltTags.Config for the module to wo...