Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions. This VS extension should provide you with a an effective and quick start for your .NET Core API journey and save you many hours of exploring the Web for an optimal solution. Added T4 templates to save time creating Domain, Service,...
Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions with Dapper ORM and FluentMigrator.
MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework. The goal is to make it easy for XNA developers to create cross-platform games with extremely high code reuse. This package provides you with MonoGame Framework that works on iOS.
A simple .NET Standard library which provides base interfaces and classes for dotnet applications implementing the Clean Architecture design pattern.
Generic implementation of popular Design Patterns usable in .net project
A library for parsing, converting and viewing SVG files in WPF and WinForms applications.
A little template engine for .NET
A unique id generator for .NET and Fable, using timestamp plus random data, with multiple strength and precision options. Flexible alternative to UUID/GUID.
Quartz.Net integration for .NET Core IoC container
SQRL for the .Net Standard runtimes. Secure Quick Reliable Login is a highly secure user privacy based authentication system that removes the need for users to have more than one password for a global identity for more information of the protocal.
.NET Standard library containing handy extensions
Simplifies working with SQL Server databases in .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard projects
Simplifies working with SQLite databases in .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard projects
Simplifies working with PostgreSQL databases in .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard projects
Simplifies working with Oracle databases in .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard projects
Simplifies working with ODBC database providers in .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard projects
Simplifies working with MySql databases in .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard projects
.Net migration library from Kavenegar to Ghasedak