Top 20 NuGet .netcore Packages

Library contains base components and interfaces of Microservices Framework. Whole idea of framework is based on components called initializers.
Package Description
Package Description
Library contains initializer responsible for REST API endpoint security configuration.
Basic .NET Core library for networking
Simple audit logging for .NET Core with EntityFramework Core support
Package Description
Package Description
Lightweight and fast inter-process communication IPC between two partners for .NET / .NETCore 2.0 / .NETStandard 2.0 / UWP. Based on Shared Memory. [512 bytes package in both directions] Remote async and sync calls with response (a la RPC), full-duplex, with the speed of 20 MB/s. Remote async call...
CoreProfiler - A .NET Core Profiling Library
CoreProfiler.Web - A .NET Core Profiling Library
C# <3 v8
CoreProfiler.Wcf - A .NET Core Profiling Library
.Net Core Tag Helpers for twitter Bootstrap
Lifesaver when working with horizontally scalable micro services in .NETCore. This library ensures and exposes vital properties of request and response properties like corelation id, entry time-stamp and tree depth.
Tensor flow .net Core wrapper
Provides simple abstraction layer over an existing logging frameworks.
Package Description