Top 20 NuGet Packages

If developers write software in one of .NET languages, for example, C# and VB.NET, the code is easy to extract from the built binaries and modify. ArmDot, a .NET obfuscator, to the rescue! This is a particularly serious problem if a programmer creates a commercial application that should work, for ...
If developers write software in one of .NET languages, for example, C# and VB.NET, the code is easy to extract from the built binaries and modify. ArmDot, a .NET obfuscator, to the rescue! This is a particularly serious problem if a programmer creates a commercial application that should work, for ...
Eziriz .NET Reactor Stack Trace Deobfuscator - This library StackTraceDeobfuscator.dll contains the class "Eziriz.StackTraceDeobfuscator". Using this class and a mapping file your are able to deobfuscate stack traces.
IntelliLock Stack Trace Deobfuscator - This library StackTraceDeobfuscator.dll contains the class "Eziriz.StackTraceDeobfuscator". Using this class and a mapping file your are able to deobfuscate stack traces.
A simple e-mail address obfuscator for use with .NET projects.
Javascript Obfuscator (javascript-obfuscator) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
An HttpModule that adds an HttpResponse Filter that obfuscates all email addresses in an (X)HTML supplied through the Http Context. As long as the client web browser has Javascript enabled the user doesn't notice much difference, when javascript is disabled an image containing the email address is p...
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for javascript-obfuscator. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 06a49b2445d2e1c7fdd52ef3f426ac6528d9b760].
Auto obfuscate the assembly with SmartAssembly. The obfuscated assembly output to ObfuscatorAssembly folder. You need to add the path of SmartAssembly.exe to the environment variables -> Path. Note: Only for dll now!
NuGet packaging by Tigra Astronomy. This NuGet package is intended to support the 'NuGet no-commit workflow' and is a simple repackaging of binaries downloaded from - no originality or rights are claimed. This package is provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind an...
Makes use of JSON.Net custom Contract Resolver to serialize/deserialize objects to/from obfuscated JSON. See for more details.