Top 20 NuGet Packages

A library for logging in a custom XML-like syntax that can make custom filtering and querying easier.
A library for communicating with RESTful API's.
A library of common utilities that can be used across a wide range of C# projects.
Package Description
Package Description
Swagger client generation
Very small and simple library that gets the functionality of generating quasi-random numbers. Based on System.Security.Cryptography. Generates a single number or set of unique random numbers. Lower bound is one, upper bound is set by user. User can also provide the number of elements in the set.
Support library for an opinionated azure functions messaging framework.
Hermes GPX upload service core package
Компонент отображения карты Hermes. (.net 4.0
Package Description
Data Base connection
Клиент для использования в синхронизации через DropboxApi
Package Description
Light Web Server for UAP/UWP
Package Description
Hermes project shared dll.
Hermes project shared dotnet core dll.
утилиты Hermes
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