Top 20 NuGet Packages

Gearset is an open source debugging toolkit for XNA, MonoGame and FNA based games.
Gearset is an open source debugging toolkit for XNA, MonoGame and FNA based games.
Gearset is an open source debugging toolkit for XNA, MonoGame and FNA based games.
Gearset is an open source debugging toolkit for XNA, MonoGame and FNA based games.
Awesome application logging utility
This is a client library for using the Datasets API for Geckoboard, in C#.
GeckoFX Winforms
library that allows embeding gecko in C# applications. Example Usage: // set env var LD_LIBRARY_PATH to $(ProjectDir)/Firefox // set env var LD_PRELOAD to $(ProjectDir)/Firefox/ // add using Gecko [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Xpcom...
library that allows embeding gecko in C# applications. Depends on Gtk3 ubuntu packages: libgtk-3-0, libgtk3.0-cil Example Usage: // set env var LD_LIBRARY_PATH to $(ProjectDir)/Firefox-Linux64 // set env var LD_PRELOAD to $(ProjectDir)/Firefox-Linux64/ // add using Gecko ...
GeckoFX core library
Gedcom parsing library
Contains methods for working with a variety of GEDCOM X date formats.
Package Description
加入泛型imessagequeue<t> 支持原始byte[]发送 更新nuget
Helper classes for embedded resources, temporary files, etc. Useful for unit tests, etc.
A simple wrapper around FileSystemWatcher to watch multiple single files across directories.
Package Description