Top 20 NuGet Packages

[ARCHIVED] Please use FSharp.Management instead (
[DEPRECATED] Please use FSharp.Text.RegexProvider instead (
[DEPRECATED] Please DynamicsNAVProvider or DynamicsCRMProvider (
A sample .NET Core global tool written in F#
Fuzzy Matcher for strings
A simple portable class library for extracting files from zip streams.
A .Net ADO framework for Database connection management.
FsjFramework.Ado.Net.ConnectionFacility Castle.Windsor integration
A .Net ADO framework for Database connection management - plug-in for log4net.
Command line tool for the FsKaggle library, a minimalist jupyter-friendly tool for effortless downloading of complete datasets or individual csv files hosted on, according to the kaggle API.
Ports of useful haskell functions such as lines, unlines, tranpose, intercalate, words, unwords
This is the F# PowerPack.Linq library, based on the F# PowerPack code drop under the OSS approved Apache 2.0 license from
.NET Core Global Tool for FsLive - allows to send files to Fabulous.LiveUpdate and more
FSlugify is a slug generator library written entirely in F#.