Top 20 NuGet Packages

Conjuntos de classes basicas para contrução de um projeto ASP.NET Core 3.0
Pacote contendo método base pra criação de repositórios que utilizando o EF
Xamarin.iOS Binding for FDStatusBarNotifierView
Package Description
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries.
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. (Core Extensions)
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. This contains a lot of definitions for P/Invoking Windows APIs
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. This contains a lot of definitions for P/Invoking Windows Crypto APIs
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. This contains a lot of definitions for P/Invoking Windows UI APIs
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. This contains a lot of functions specific to .NET on Windows
Initials for common
Feather# - An AOP utility for .NET, based on Mono.Cecil.
Serializes and deserializes to the Feather format ( for interop with Python and R.
FeatherMap is a fast and lightweight object mapping library with reference tracking by default.
(RENAMED TO DashMVVM) Please uninstall this library and replace it with DashMVVM. In your code update all FeatherView occurences to DashView and FeatherViewModel to DashViewModel. Apologies for the inconvinience.
Featureflow dotnet client API allows you to add runtime feature management and rollout control to your .net application. Find out more at and
Simple and customizable library for managing feature toggles
Allows to create yEd diagrams automatically from Ninject features built with Ninject.Features.