Top 20 NuGet Packages

Excel Utility Liberary
Providing additional helper methods to the ExcelDataReader package (similar to LinqToExcel).
Package Description
Crie o arquivo excel, através da biblioteca Epplus, utilizando este facilitador. Create the excel file through the Epplus library using this facilitator.
Utilities that add functionality to ExcelDna such as creating a COM like interface to the C API
Entity FrameWork Database Seeder from Excel
Package Description
Package Description
My package description.
.NET Core 2 library for on-fly generation of Microsoft Excel files without Microsoft Office installed. It creates XLS documents in Microsoft Excel Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF) which can be viewed and modified in Microsoft Excel 97 or later.
Package Description
ExcelExport is a simple, fluent API to export data to Excel spreadsheets using OleDb. For sample usage, click the Project Information link.
A pure js excel exporter. Export your data from html table or json data. You can give mapping info for customization. More information:
This component provides extesnion of various Excel activities like 1. Conversion from Xls to Xls 2. Renaming Sheet 3. Sort Sheet with Multiple Columns 4. Get Column Name by Column Index 5. Set Sheet Columns Autofit 6. Set Sheet Columns All Border (Thin, Continuous Line) 7. Merge Cell 8. Set Bold Tex...
Package Description
Dependency Epplus
Package Description
Created for Core version to generate Excel using plain .xlsx template.
This project exposes solid interfaces that contains basic operations for handling Excel files. It provides a factory that acts as a Façade to the concrete implementations with the great libraries NPOI and EPPlus.