Top 20 NuGet Packages

Message bus to pass messages between objects without coupling them.
.Net wrapper for media encoders such as FFmpeg, X264 and X265, including Avisynth and VapourSynth support.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Replacement File Information APIs for .NET Core supporting symbolic links
Simple parser class which can extract string from EMF Metafile.
emFramework is a set of utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emFramework.Identity.App is a set of utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emFramework.Identity.Web is a set of utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emframework User, Role and Capability Utilty classes and entity
emFrameworkCore.CodeGen is a set of .Net Framework and .Net Core T4 template oriented code generation utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emFrameworkCore.Core is a set of general .Net Core utilities, functions, extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emFrameworkCore.Data is a set of .Net Core data, and data request/response, related utilities, functions, extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emFrameworkCore.Data is a set of .Net Core database related utilities, functions, extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emFrameworkCore.Logger is a set of .Net Core logging utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
emFrameworkCore.Network is a set of .Net Core network/authentication utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.