Top 20 NuGet Packages

Features - Dependency Injector - Array extensions - List extensions - IEnumerable extensions - Reworked Math library with extra functions (Lerp, Remapping, etc...) - Fully working Logman, can print to debug window, console and a file at the same time! - And more!
Provides classes for deferred/lazy calculation of values.
Elementary Hierarchy provides interfaces, data structures and algorithms for developing of hierarchical data structures.
Provides a lightweight, fast and extensible micro cache through memoization
A .NET api for PostgreSQLs jsonb that is easy to use
Provides extension methods for System.Random for generating more complex data. This includes basic methods like NextBoolean, NextCurrency, NextDateTime, NextDecimal etc. As well as more advanced options like NextEnum, NextListItem, NextParameter. Finally it also contains random objects lik...
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
An easy to pick up library containing things you wish were in the BCL.