Top 20 NuGet Packages

EasyMoq is a small and free mocking framework for any kind of project. It is built as a portable class library and uses T4-templating to generate mocks. This makes it a perfect choice for mocking on WP- or WinRT-platform, since there is a lack of dynamic proxy creation.
Light client for RabbitMQ
An easy-to-use implementation of the MessagePack serialisation format.
An MVC Library to make ReST and Conneg and other things easy
Package Description
Package Description
Pacote EasyNet para conexão com banco de dados
Pacote EasyNet para conexão com banco de dados
Pacote EasyNet para conexão com banco de dados
Pacote EasyNet para conexão com banco de dados
Pacote EasyNet para conexão com banco de dados
For sending HTTP messages. A simplified usage of System.Net.Http HttpClient.
Easy, straightforward PGP wrapper for .NET Framework / .NET Core.
Framework for writing deterministic system tests with EasyNetQ
A process manager library for EasyNetQ
A process manager library for EasyNetQ - SQL Server persistence layer
A legacy EasyNetQ bus wrapper for older versions of EasyNetQ