Top 20 NuGet Packages

Utility to assign metadata to database entities
C# Animations based on actionscript "Tween" and "Motion" classes includes Robert Penner's easing functions Sample:
Package Description
Package Description
[Xamarin]A nice separator with dash functionality and text and image inside optionally, being automatically scalable.
Package Description
.net dependency injection
An enhanced cross-platform ObservableCollection<T> that let's you use it asynchronously with ease by initializing it with a dispatcher, that all the additions and other actions go through. It also has the AddRange method.
A helper library for working with REST APIs in C#
Copy tables a server source to server destination for SQL server.
The Divotiz Common Package
Divverence.MarbleTesting Core Library
Divverence.MarbleTesting Library for Akka.Net
we can add to dll at a time and user very easy
library to help read and write AIFMD XML reports
.NET Library with very simple functionality for creating a reporting package to Finanssivalvonta / Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA)
library to help read and write header ("envelope") files used for submitting reports to Finanssivalvonta - Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA).