Top 20 NuGet Packages

This is testing Mobile Services package.
A combination of controls and helper classes used to make Windows Phone apps more effective
Adds a NuGet.config file, and .tfignore file so that your packages won't be checked into source control. Even though that means this package will be added by default, at least it includes no binaries.
Express just how dissapointed you are in the code with attributes.
Discio allows you to store and manage data using a local JSON file. Discio is not intended to replace a NoSQL database but it can be used for prototyping or when only small amounts of data need to be managed (ex. Settings, roaming profiles, etc.).
Package Description
An extendible bot framework for the Discord Chat Application.
Common commands for the Disclose framework.
An Azure Table Storage implementation of a DataStore for Disclose.
A DocumentDB implementation of a DataStore for Disclose.
Package Description
Discord Bots List API Wrapper
This is an addon for the Discord API Wrapper Discord.Net which adds a lot of useful features to your Discord bot.
Package Description
Simple usage of Audio for Discord.Net 1.0.
A set of Notifications to wrap around Discord.Net Events, via Mediatr
ASP.Net Core middleware that enables an application to support Discord's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Supports skipping, playing, queueing and a few other things.
C# Library to easily make Discord bots
Adapter for Discord.Net