Top 20 NuGet Packages

Die DEÜV-Kernpruefung 1.7 der Deutschen Rentenversicherung
Die DEÜV-Kernpruefung 1.8 der Deutschen Rentenversicherung
Die DEÜV-Kernpruefung 1.9 der Deutschen Rentenversicherung
A small library to serialize and deserialize objects and values from XML
C# 常用类库及拓展方法
dev dependency default
Convert WCF Webservices Diffgram XML result into Datasets. In the recent past, software engineers used to send datasets and datatables throught SOAP Webservices. Althought this is considered a bad practice nowadays, we need to deal with legacy WCF Webservices wich retrieves Datasets and Datatables...
Package Description
Package Description
C# 数据访问组件,集成重试机制。
Package Description
.Net model validate
This .Net console tool allows you to interact with some parts the API and helps with posting articles from Github repos.
UsefulExtensions it's an open source .NET Standard library that contains useful extensions to help developers coding fast and clean.
Package Description
Package Description