Top 20 NuGet Packages

Common Admin Service
Common Service.
Elastic implement used for API Analytics. Work with Beyova.Common.
Traditional file storage implementation for generic storage operator.
Beyova Gravity Implementation
Media based features for C#: - Exif operator
Queue dispatcher/watcher.
Implementation of configuration reader for SQL Server
Additional standard contracts for China specialized cases.
Azure extension
A library for performing Bezier curve computation for .NET Core. Commonly Used Types: - Bezier - Arc - Line - Circle - Slope - Extrema - BoundingBox Target platforms: - Desktop (Windows Forms, WPF, Avalonia) - Unity Game Engine - Xamarin - ASP.NET Core - Blazor (web front-end)
Sample Bezlio Plugin with all needed references
Help third project to Get User Information from BF.Authcenter
WebApi's BBS contract
SqlServer数据访问类 MVC web通用类