Top 20 NuGet Packages

A DataGrid implementation for Blazor.
Some data structures, including tree, map, multi map, etc.
BERT library for C# Currently in Beta version. API might change
Helpers for the crude pricing library
Package Description
Package Description
this library by now contain only one really usefull function, maybe in the future i could add something but is only for my personal use so if i doesn't need something i will not put on it.
C# wrapper for Bert Tokenizer implemented in BlingFire
Test a��klama
Solution files for building on bespoke CMS
This implementation sits atop the .NET 4.0 Framework and uses TCP or UDP as the transport protocol. It includes support for Osc Messages and Bundles, and supports the following payload data types: Int32, Int64, Float, Double, String, Blob (byte array), Osc TimeTag, ASCII character, boolean, Nil, Inf...
Object / Document peer to peer database for the .NET framework.
Object / Document peer to peer database for Mono.
StyleCop and Foxcop ruleset for Best Inc.
State machine for Best.Htls
PerformanceCounter operate more simple