Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Package Description
Makes it easier work with Sqlite.
Package Description
Assembly with basic MVVM classes
Some useful function.
A .NET (C#) implementation of various binary-to-text data encodings.
Library of several classes which I use often for my projects and can be handy also for other developers.
Useful helper classes for ASP.NET MVC projects.
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Creates the Garcia Software console app.
Package Description
Test SensorService pkg using Nuget.commanline
This Framework implements base methods and workflows, which I will use in different projects like Logging or Dependency Incetion. It is based on Dot-net Standard and some functionallity of Dot-Net core such as the logging and the ServiceProvider (for DI)