Top 20 NuGet Packages

Client IP address retrival service of the Barzin platform
Standard HTTP response of the Barzin platform
ModelState validator of the Barzin platform
A collection of data structures.
Basic geometry types
* Clients: - AbstractHttpClientWebService * Requests: - SoapHttpRequestMessage * DelegatingHandlers: - LoggingHandler - WebServiceExceptionsHandler * MediaTypeFormatters: - JsonRestSharpMediaTypeFormatter - XmlRestSharpMediaTypeFormatter
Package Description
Package Description
Inherit your win-services from WinServiceBase class and get complete service with timer and NLog logger support.
Base classes of the EASE framework
Internal helper classes.
ef simple package
Basic Model Project
base on DotBPE and Foundatio, a lightweight queue task and delay task lib
Core package to be used when coding as described by Sogeti Pattern.
My package description.
My package description.
Internal utility classes.
Package Description