Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
There are 8 setting values that can be set in the web.config file of your website. AzureAccountName(string) - Your Azure Account Name. AzureAccessKey(string) - Your Access Key. CdnPath(string) - Url for your blob storage. SecureCdnPath(string) - Secure Url for your blob stora...
How do we Enforce Coding standards and guidelines at Compiler Level and this should be applicable for all projects in an Org. When we compile a code, C# compiler should warn developer to use 1) Transient fault handling app blocks (if code is connecting to Sql azure, ServiceBus, Blob/tables etc) 2)...
A NuGet package which helps you with Azure config
AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts. Built on Windows Azure SDK v1.4.
How to use: AzureDatacenterIPAddressService _handler = new AzureDatacenterIPAddressService(); // get all azure regions var regions = _handler.GetRegionsWithIpAddress(); // get ip address list for region var ipForRegion = _handler.GetIpAddressByRegion(RegionType.europenorth); // check if region c...
Package Description
Package Description
Helper extensions about the VssConnection object for the Azure DevOps .net SDK. The goal is to deliver an api, easy to use that manage complexity for you ;)
Test project of common utils
A console application that generates Azure DevOps bearer token for current logged in account that is domain joined
Package Description
Package Description
An Azure Extension to help quick upload/download blob and table
Package Description
Generates Azure Functions from command registrations