Top 20 NuGet Packages

.NET library for ZDavP-2 support (Slovenian law -
Riot Api wrapper for .NET Core.
Azure Table Storage implementation for the Zelda IRepository project.
Компонент хранения данных в RavenDB для Zen.Core
A project for helping manage user input for use with MonoGame.
This package provides the function to save database tables before and after changes as CSV, JSON and Excel files. It's designed for the purpose to automatically generate evidence files in unit-tests.
TagHelpers for ASP.NET Core
Simple, elegant HTML5 templates.
Basic HttpHandler for standalone templates in IIS.
.NET Core
Package Description
Package Description for dotnetcore
Bonjour support for WinRT applications - Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8
Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.
Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of thick client applications using agile methodologies. It uses EF Code First, Caliburn.Micro, custom message-based comunication running over WCF and MEF for dependency resolution.
Utility to help with telemetry creation with correlation.
Utility to help with OAuth2 Authentication for HttpClient.