Top 20 NuGet Packages

Still in alpha Library for TMDb Api v3
A library to scrape information from the Drexel University Term Master Schedule
The core library contains fundamental classes that define commonly-used attributes and reference data types of tmuClinical.NET.
The library contains tmuClinicl.NET types for implmenting the record format classification for discharge summaries.
TMX Parser for Portable Class Library (.Net 4.5, WP 8.0, WP 8.1, WinStore 8.1, MonoDroid, MonoTouch (Classic), Xamarin.iOS)
Goal of Library: * Easy to use * Use Classes to eliminate the possibility of accidental struct copies * Reasonably fast Potential Uses: * Orthographic (2D looking straight-on) Tile Engines in C# * Easy to integrate with OpenTK or XNA Runtime Requirements: * .net 4, .net 4 client profile, or .net 4...
tmxlite for VS2015+
Lightweight .Net Scheduler
在 Asp.Net Core 轻松创建 PDF
Demo can be found here Usage: Link to jquery, toastr.css, toastr.js, glimpse.js and glimpse.toastr.js <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="toastr.js"></script> <script src="glimpse.js"></script> <script src="glimpse.toastr.js"></script> Use toastr $(...
Simple library that extends HttpClient to make connecting to an API easier.
Library for connecting to a generic SQL database, and generating SQL queries.
Simple expression/formula parser. Allows the conversion of formulas in infix notation to postfix notation. Calculates formulas in postfix notation using resolver classes for variables and functions.
default nhibernate session and config managments services for sql2005+ only
Json.Net extentions for string deserialization and object serialization
Helper methods targeting web classes