Top 20 NuGet Packages

Es una versión del framework de pokemon que busca las zonas a partir de partes del algoritmo que son unicas y estan en todas las roms de la misma edición.
WeAreOne is a radio station family hosted in Germany. Probably the most famous radio station is the TechnoBase.FM, but there are 6 more: ClubTime.FM, CoreTime.FM, HardBase.FM, HouseTime.FM, TeaTime.FM and TranceBase.FM. With this library You can access all 7 radio's tracklist.
Default JSON Deserializer for wrapper libraries that provide high-level access to the Guild Wars 2 API ( ).
An extended Dependency Injection container which deals with instantiation and life time of objects. It extends SimpleIoC from MvvmLight.
A set of classes for implementing Model View View Model Pattern (aka Mvvm)
The Polaris User Interface package contains elements that simplify the development of attractive and fluid user interfaces. Actions, Animation extensions, Controls, Converters among other user interface functionality is contained in this package.
Binaries for the Polarize library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.
An API wrapper for the Police UK API. Please note: I am not the author, but I thought it would be useful for everyone if this was on Nuget
Entityframework support for PolicyServer for ASP.Net Core
Create an abstraction layer over the Microsoft.Sharepoint.CSOM to simulate the transactional process and maintain the integrity of custom lists. Performing the operations of adding, updating, removing and recovering items, as well as recovering documents.
API access library for the Politics and War game
Pacote de auxílio a utilização da api Pollaris Fiscal
Simple FileCache Modules