Top 20 NuGet Packages

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A sample showing how to use SecretSplitter to split up a secret and SecretCombiner to recover it.
A sample showing how to use the TrueSkillCalculator to calculate new ratings.
Moshi is a modern JSON library for Android and Java.
Build applications that can run both as an Alexa Skill and Google Action
WinForms menu item for managing database connection strings and concealing sensitive information
Voice Model (Alexa and Google Assistant object models)
MotiNet.ComponentModel.Annotations class library
MotiNet.Core class library
Provides a foundation for managing flash messages.
A set of tools and controls for Windows Forms applications.
Additional interfaces and common implementations for Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs
Simple library that allows you to easily create error pages for common HTTP error and application exceptions.
Pluralizers for most used nouns and unit expressions.
Renamed to Ractor.Persistence
A common library of simple helpers
A collection of generators and controllers to help ASP.NET sites generate documentation.
A .netstandard library to work with Movidesk APIs.
Implementation of a SignalR backplane with RabbitMq as the backing store.