Top 20 NuGet Packages

TinyCLR library for the ADS1115 Analog-to-Digital Converter.
TinyCLR library for the BME280 Humidity, Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor. Supports SPI and I2C
TinyCLR library for the DS3231 I²C real-time clock (RTC)
TinyCLR driver for the G120 (LPC17xx) internal EEPROM
TinyCLR library for the MS5837 pressure sensor.
TinyCLR library for the Winbound W25QXX compatible serial flash chips
Use this to keep track of activities including current top, in mono droid.
Extends MonoGame by letting the Content Pipeline process *.mgcb files to enable querying information about assets at runtime. **This is the runtime part of the library**
Extends MonoGame by letting the Content Pipeline process *.mgcb files to enable querying information about assets at runtime. **This is contains the Content Pipeline extensions**
A terminal emulator with unicode & MonoGame support. MonoGame supported version: 3.5.1
The Monogame Content Pipeline for Windows, Mac and Linux is used to compile raw content to xnb files.
This is a package with IME implementation in Xamarin.Android .
This is a netstandard package with IME implementation of Windows, MacOS and Linux with SDL2.
This is a package with IME implementation in Xamarin.iOS .
This is an netcoreapp3.1 package with IME implementation with Winforms in Windows.
Penumbra allows users to easily add 2D lighting and shadow effects to their games.
Penumbra allows users to easily add 2D lighting and shadow effects to their games.
Easy-to-use 2D primitives
A library that implements Processing Language functions for 2D graphics on Monogame
Runtime components for reading and modeling Monogame Sprite Box assets.