Top 20 NuGet Packages

A simple SpecFlow plugin for loading examples from excel
Base classes for creating SpecFlow plugins to generate examples based on tags
A library of small classes useful for geocoding
Automatic API documentation generation based on attributes
Exception-free HTTP client with large configuration capabilities
Base library for other networking-related components of ITCC Library. Contains common enums and interfaces.
Class library for HttpListener SSL certificate binding. Self-signed certificate generation included.
Cross-platform event-based logging library.
Logger implementations for using in full .NET framework-based applications
Cross-platform class library for using in GUI-applications based on WPF, UWP or Xamarin Forms.
Helps developers query Sitecore through the Item Web API and map custom models to Sitecore Items
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
async/await bridge with IteratorTasks + MinimumAsyncBridge.
The package provides static code analysis functions to verify architectural requirements like component structures, layers or dependency rules. At the moment the package is limited to a specific architecture of two concentric layers inspired by the "Clean Architecture" described by Bob Martin. But y...
Connect your *Unit based test execution to JIRA/Zephyr and make use of a test report that includes automated and manual test executions.
A fork of iTextSharp (LGPL / MPL) 4.1.6 that includes Bouncy Castle as a NuGet package instead of directly including the source code.
A fork of iTextSharp (LGPL / MPL) 4.1.6 compiled in 4.5.2 that includes Bouncy Castle 1.8 as a NuGet package instead of directly including the source code.