Top 20 NuGet Packages

A simple asynchronous imgur client for Windows applications
An ImGui.Net window helper for OpenTK. Adapted from ImGuiCSSDL2 Helper.
Migration from Imgur.API (Version 4.0.1) from Net Framework 4.5 to NetCore 2.1
An image hasher for comparing the similarity between images.
Basic saml client
This library provides F# integration for the Imms immutable collections library.
Contains implementation of immutable arrays with special immutable implementation for array operations for saving memory.
.NET Standard library for building immutable models
Serialization helpers for System.Collections.Immutable
An implementation of IImmutableDictionary<TKey, TValue> that maintains O(1) value lookup, at the cost of mutation performance.
Package Description
The runtime components behind the parts generated by the ImmutableObjectGraph.T4 package.
T4 templates that transform simple mutable type definitions into fully functional immutable types with persistent characteristics.
Immutable n-ary relation data structure for .NET Standard 2.0
Impact is a .NET libary that implements the "Consumer Driven Contract Testing" pattern as promoted by PACT ( Impact.Consumer implements the basic framework for implementing consumer tests. You'll also need to add references to the appropriate transport and payload format pack...
Impact is a .NET libary that implements the "Consumer Driven Contract Testing" pattern as promoted by PACT ( Impact.Core provides the basic framework for both consumer and provider tests.
Impact is a .NET libary that implements the "Consumer Driven Contract Testing" pattern as promoted by PACT ( Impact.Core.Payload.Json adds support for JSON serialized payloads and can be used both from consumer and provider tests.
Impact is a .NET libary that implements the "Consumer Driven Contract Testing" pattern as promoted by PACT ( Impact.Core.Payload.Protobuf adds support for Protobuf serialized payloads and can be used both from consumer and provider tests.