Top 20 NuGet Packages

A finite model checking framework for C# code
Implementation of the Finnhub API
FinnotechSDK Abstractions
FinnotechSDK Microsoft DependencyInjection
Finsemble DLL
Finteza SDK is a set of ready-made scripts for sending and proxying events from the server side of ASP.NET websites.
FIO Banka Client
Fiovex BlazorClient Redux
Fiovex BlazorStringLocalizer
C# bindings for Firebase APIs CloudFunctions iOS Library
C# bindings for Firebase APIs Invites iOS Library
Firebase.NET implements Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP Protocol that enables sending notifications to Android, iOS and Web through Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Firebase authentication library. It can generate Firebase auth token based on given OAuth token (issued by Google, Facebook...). This Firebase token can then be used with REST queries against Firebase endpoints.
A .Net library for sending Firebase Cloud Messages
Rebuild version of original library FirebaseNET from Tiago Totti. Added support for NetStandard 1.6 version.
Send Push Notification via firebase api
Attribute-driver Service Registration for .NET Core