Top 20 NuGet Packages

Add App.Metrics to memory and distributed cache
Redis distributed cache inplementation of IDistributedCache<T>
Provides a container adapter supporting Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for NServiceBus.
Provides support for delegate based handlers for NServiceBus.
Provides OAuth2 login support for various external sites.
Xamarin In-App-Purchase Plugin/Service for iOS and Android Mobile Applications
A utility for comparing objects by specific fields
Web.Abstractions allows you to unit test your web code, and abstract the HttpContext, FormsAuthentication, Membership, and ConfigurationManager . Currently the test helper uses FakeItEasy but it can be adopted for any mocking framework.
Package Description
DataAnnotations plugin for CompiledValidators.
Package used to discover compiler paths in MSBuild.
A validation attribute (and companion JavaScript) allowing your ASP.NET MVC project to have validations that are just as complex as you want, with full client-side as well as server-side support. Easily allows validations that reference other properties in the model. See the project home page for fu...
An API for accessing Plex Media Servers and the connected clients. This requires a PlexPass subscription to work correctly.
Add Component.As.Service to your AspNetCore app in the usual way and behold as your application component is exposed to the world at `http://localhost:5000/MyApplicationComponent/MethodName?parameterA=a&parameterB=B` ``` public class Startup { public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection ser...
FluentValidator adapter for System.ComponentModel.Annotations.Validation library.