Top 20 NuGet Packages

Configurable task runner for exteranl calls
Helper classes with Visual Studio extension development
VS extension creates Python REST Web API wrapper for generated REST Web API .NET Core 2.1 service. This is an example of Python wrapper for any REST API service with JSON data exchange and JWT authorization implementation.
Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions. This VS extension should provide you with a an effective and quick start for your .NET Core API journey and save you many hours of exploring the Web for an optimal solution. Added T4 templates to save time creating Domain, Service,...
Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions with Dapper ORM and FluentMigrator.
After adding this NuGet package to your Visual Studio Package project the build process will be updated and the .vsix file created will be compressed. The % of compression varies from project to project, but its common to see results from 40-70%. By having a smaller .vsix file when users...
to send sms
Xamarin.Android Binding for Akshay Sunil Masram's VSpot. This library allows to show intro of your app or a specific view that you want to high-light when you add new features to app.
This package provides the Visual Studio "Shell" reference assembly used by Visual Studio 2012 and newer. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0.dll
This package provides the Visual Studio "Shell" COM-interop assemblies used by Visual Studio 2012 and newer. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll
This package provides the Automation and Extensibility (VSLangProj) COM-interop assemblies used by Visual Studio 2012 and newer. VSLangProj110.dll
🎚🎛 Event-Catcher with variety of advanced Actions to service projects, libraries, build processes, runtime environment of the Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, and … Control everything: Visual Studio, MSBuild Tools, CI, and more … Open Source Project:
Attach screenshots to bugs in VSTS.
AutoRest generated client for Azure Devops REST Apis.
A sample package to demonstrate Package Management in Visual Studio Team Services. Thank you for choosing Team Services!
A simple library that uses the VSTS REST API to retrieve configuration values for Test Management Test Configurations in VSTS for use in tests at runtime.