Top 20 NuGet Packages

Librería de acceso a bases de datos MongoDb
Package Description
Advanced HttpClient infrastructure for mobile applications.
Kill your ASP.NET API methods softly
Este pacote é parte do pacote SoftmakeAll.SDK Este pacote fornece apoio para: - Escrita/leitura de dados locais (LocalStorage e SessionStorage) a partir do navegador; - Classe base para components Razor.
Software development kit for creating server-side packages for the SoftPro Select mid-tier server.
Software Protector is an open source 100% managed .NET licensing system based on SKGL Project. Generate keys for your software, and validate them using SKGL library in your own project. To see the online demo, please navigate to
A collection of valuable utilities used in my other projects.
Safe Sevice Hosting utility class for self-hosting WCF services.
Software Pioniere Fx Reference to Foundatio
Software Pioniere Fx Messaging Services
Assembly containing methods to support benchmarking speed and memory consumption of .Net code.
Library containing a UInt128 class, and extensions to .Net's built in integral data types. The version targeting .Net 4.5 is implemented as a Portable Class Library. The methods in this library were written with speed in mind. UInt128 operations are generally much faster than BigInteger. Includes an...
Package to calculate sunrise and sunset time from longitude and latitude
Provides a SolarDay calculator tool