Top 20 NuGet Packages

DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Microsoft Word files, in an easy and intuitive manner. DocX is fast, lightweight and best of all it does not require Microsoft Word or Office to be installed. v3.0.1 provides 6 bug fixes and improvements. Check out the professional edition,...
A library to read variables from a .env file and populate the environment variables.
A fast globbing library for .NET applications, including .net core. Doesn't use Regex.
A .NET library to load environment variables from .env files
This package contains shared code for other NuGet packages, and contains no public API in and of itself.
A simple command-line HTTP server. This package was build from source code at
General purpose codecs for DotNetty
Application handlers for DotNetty
Transport model in DotNetty
Use these extensions to build Xamarin.Forms applications with Prism and DryIoc.
Adds HTTPHandler for ASP.NET to compile LESS files on demand. This is a project to port the hugely useful Less libary to the .NET world. It give variables, nested rules and operators to CSS. For more information about the original Less project see or
(pronounced dyna-mighty) flexes DLR muscle to do meta-mazing things in .net
Adds batch operations to Entity Framework when using MS Sql server
Enables ASP to read content files (e.g. .css, .js, .aspx) stored as embedded resources in referenced assemblies. This full package contrains additional bootstrap template code and settings for seamless integration into apps.
Emgu CV is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library. Allowing OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython etc.