Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
ytdl-core porting
YTechFramework is the Web client of YTechFramework architecture
YTechFramework.APIs has the required APIs of the YTechFramework architecture
YTechFramework.Core has the core of the YTechFramework architecture which include basic interfaces, configurations items for.
YTechFramework.Helpers contains helpers for YTechFramework architecture
YTechFramework.Persistence has the Persistence interface of the YTechFramework architecture
YTechFramework.Services has the Services interface of the YTechFramework architecture
删除,支持查询条件 List<Model.modelTableQuery> 查询,支持sql语句 IopeExe.Select 执行,支持sql语句 IopeExe.Execute 插入,支持是否去重:如果存在可以不插入 初始化,支持modelDB一次性初始化模型 private modelDB DB = opeSqlDB.Init(modelTable, constring); 更新:支持条件 List<Model.modelTableQuery> 修改了部分 空值更新的问题
Ytl.Utilities.Phoneword to ease up development for cross platforms for phoneword functionality
Ytl.Utilities.Phoneword to ease up development for cross platforms for phoneword functionality