Top 20 NuGet Packages

MSMQ extensions and helper classes
NHibernate helper classes
Extensions for simple-injector.
Testable template rendering dependency that uses RazorEngine under the hood
Transaction helpers
Simple NHibernate unit-of-work abstraction.
WCF helpers such as generic fault contracts.
WCF helpers such as generic fault contracts.
Reference in ABP modules to enable SPA build and packaging.
Reference in SPA modules (Asp.Net.Core) to enable build and packaging.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Console-based text editor tool for .NET Core CLI.
Console-based text editor.
Templates to use when creating *.cs files.
From project website Features Simple Interface Largely because YAJL is event driven, the interface is very concise object oriented C. The interface is not cluttered with data representation, that bit is left up to higher level code. Indeed it should be possible to port most existing JSON l...