Top 20 NuGet Packages
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Application Settings management for the xPike paved-road.
Package Description
This package contains the basic components and core helper classes for the xpInterop packages. You must include this package to use other xpInterop packages.
This component contains everything search engine SDK P/Invoke declarations.
This package allows you to call the C runtime functions provided by the Visual C ++ runtime directly in the .NET environment. This package is for Windows operating systems only.
This NuGet package is simply a wrapper containing the X-Plane Plugin SDK headers and interfaces for development purposes.
This package is a third party effort, and is not supported or endorsed by Laminar Research. X-Plane, its SDK, and all copyrights and trademarks remain property of Lamina...
C# UDP connector for X-Plane. Send Commands and read DataRefs
XPlane UDP Data Accessor
This package includes Windows.UI like APIs cross-platform such as:
- Color representing a color in terms of alpha, red, green, and blue channels.
- Colors representing a set of predefined colors.
- DispatcherTimer providing a timer that is integrated into the Dispatcher queue, whic...
This package includes Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls like APIs cross-platform such as:
- Orientation for providing constants that specify the different orientations that a control or layout can have.
This package includes Windows.Storage like APIs cross-platform such as:
- MessageDialog for representing a dialog for showing messages to the user.
- UICommand for providing a command in a context menu.
YAML configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Automatic SemVer 2.0 versioning for .NET through repository properties.
Customisable MSBuild extension that adds new targets for automatic VCS-based versioning compliant with SemVer 2.0.
Supports Bazaar (bzr), Git, Mercurial (hg) and Subversion (svn).