Top 20 NuGet Packages

An Enhanced WPF Custom Control for Zooming and Panning by Clifford Nelson et. al.
WPF lacks some basic functionality, so I coded it up and share the result with you here. Controls and windows include InputBox (like the VB6 function but more powerful), EditableLabel, ThumbnailPanel, and more. There are also helpers for associating with file types and starting up with Windows.
About controls for WPF
Wpf Adorned Control for please wait
Package Description
Package Description
Wpf App Test
An async implementations of delegate command and other base common classes for WPF.
WPF RX-based AutoComplete TextBox/ComboBox
A flexible, easy to configure drop-in replacement for the standard WPF Grid control. This is a netcore app implementation of WpfAutoGrid which can be found on
A lightweight set of utilities and controls for Wpf. It's the set of tools I usually recreate for every project.
The Bootstrap UI for WPF.
A breadcrum navigation that can hold content like an TabControl
My package description.
WebCam control for WPF