Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Quick wrapper for word interop dlls to simplify build process.
Word cloud generator.
Open source library for creating word document. check github for documentation.
Word to number converter
.Net Implementation of w2v for those who want to use goolglr word2vec tools in theirs .net solutions. See github page for easy start.
A C# wrapper around Word2Vec based upon work of Y. Abdullin
Tool to generate word cloud images from a list of words and frequencies. Based off the algorithm in
The library allows to generate .*docx document based on the provided *.docx template and model.
Extracts words from strings without spaces
Extracts words from strings without spaces
This is an development of the old package (from me) "DOCMtoDOCX".
Wordify is a library for converting numbers to words.
A WordPress Migration Assistant
A client library for accessing WordPress site via XMLRPC from Universal apps (UWP).
.NET Client for accessing REST API
Library for calculating Wordpress password hashes