Top 20 NuGet Packages
This package contains a class global::Microsoft.Win32.Interop.WinError that defines the same error codes that would be found in some 2005 era version of winerror.h. It was copy pasted from some dead website on some obscure place on the internet and has no license, you can choose to use it at your ow...
Windows API函数大全、Win32 API Declarations for C#
It's been some time now that I've wanted to incorporate some basic Winamp functionality into a C# application of mine, and the need for establishing communication between the .NET environment and Winamp came up.
WinApp Automation Framework for Windows Application
Package Description
WinAuto is small C# library for simulating basic user input(mouse and keyboard), image pattern searching, clipboard handling and some basic API functions.
All of this makes it ideal for macroing and automatization(games for example).
Dependent native windows package for IBM Data Server Provider for .NET Core
Currently supports
Vista/Win7 control panel style window with glass
VS2012 like
(light and dark)
Modern (office hub page)
A control that manages multiple forms in VS 2008 style.
Behaviors to link events to commands in WPF
Package Description
Package Description
OneWayToSource Bindings for ReadOnly Dependency Properties
Native consts required by the Windows API Code Pack
Cyg 7.2 package for W-Industries employees.