Top 20 NuGet Packages

Webezi.HtmlToPdf.Pdfcrowd is an extension to implement to convert html to pdf with pdfcrowd
Jwt authorization abstractions for Webezi.AspNetCore.Jwt.Authorization.
Webezi.MailKit.Abstractions is a abstractions for Webezi.MailKit.SendGrid.
Webezi.Module.Constant.Abstractions is an extension to implement Webezi.Constant
Webezi.AspNetCore.Module.FileStorage is an extensions to save files.
Webezi.Module.FileLocalStorage is an extensions to save files.
Webezi.Module.FileStorage.Abstractions is an extensions to save files and view files.
Webezi.Module.FileStorageExtensions is an extensions to Save files.
Sms kit abstractions for Webezi.SmsKit.Clickatell.
Webezi.SmsKit.Clickatell is used Clickatell to implements to sms kit abstractions.
Webezi.TemplateKit is an extensions to help to read template and format it.
Webezi.TimeZone contains some custom data types for time zones. These custom data types are used to solve the time zone problem.