Top 20 NuGet Packages

RabbitMQ 队列,通信实体,微信小程序 共公类库 TimeSpan 格式化
Package Description 微信表情图标帮助类
Usefull class for Web API development
BinaryMediaTypeFormatter to use Stream as input/output value for a WebApi controller
This package inject the web-api based commanding in a silverlight client of a LightSwitch project. The package presumes that you installed server side the nuget package TheLightSwitchToolbox.WebApiCommanding.Server.
WebApi Extensions.
Client/server cache solution for Microsoft WebAPI implementations.
Azure implementation of client/server synchrinized cache solution for Microsoft WebAPI implementations.
WebApi Proxy
This package provides a T4 template that generates Javascript proxy classes based on an ASP.NET Web Api metadata service.
WebAPI template toolkit.
Utility for webAPI's for SE team, Corteva
A library to prevent xss for WebApi
WebApi 功能扩展
WebApi 授权扩展
Opinionated WebApi project setup and configuration