Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Package Description
VSCode.NET is a Visual Studio Code language server for .NET/.NET Core. It is designed to be fully compliant with the language server protocol and compatible with Microsoft's NodeJS language server client implementation.
My package description.
Allows you to keep values in your VSCT files in sync with your code.
DOM for manipulation Visual Studio files.
Converte um endereço em Latitude/Longitue utilzando a API do Google Maps
Library for working with Promix Sherrif-ln controller
VSharp is an API wrapper build to interact with the VLive API. It provides access to several endpoints, as well as automatic monitoring of certain tasks.
T4Includes--VSHost ttinclude
VsIdeBuild is a command line tool to automate the Visual Studio 2008 IDE to build solutions.
Command line utility for easily and synchronously intsalling or uninstalling VSIX extensions
A powershell module that wraps some extension manager APIs.
Tool to update VSIX packages to v3 for Visual Studio 2017 - can be used with older versions of Visual Studio
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
.NET CLI tool for querying Visual Studio for Mac installations and invoking bundled tools
.NET Core global tool to help manage Visual Studio for Mac