Top 20 NuGet Packages
My package description.
Thsi Package is used to add digital signature to the PDF
Tool that automates the process of updating A record value on godaddy DNS.
Custodian.UpdateIndexTimestampTimerTick. Update index last updated failed . This error is thrown when sitecore tries to update indexes on CD which are there on CM environment and does not find it on CD.
Package Description
This package is intended for testing UpdatePackage
My package description.
A small C# library to display updatable progress and logs in command line application
My package description.
My package description.
My package description.
My package description.
My package description.
My package description.
A simple software update tool
Updates a class library inside a LightSwitch solution to a full internal Ria Service.
Make sure to add first a regular .net 4 class library (you may leave the class1.cs, the nuget package will delete it for you).
Run then this nuget package 'over' the class library.
What the frack is up, dog? This mapping extension allows you to fluently map between any object type. Stop faffing with your mapping!