Top 20 NuGet Packages
UnityRepo Contracts used for DI
A library to traverse and query the Unity scene to find particular objects, uses something similar to CSS selectors to identify game objects.
Unity API Wrapper
a framework for development with mvc
univ 基础类,封装了api的返回格式,以及基础的方法
PCL toolkit for Universal App
Univedo.Data Class Library
Entity Framework 6.3 support package for Univedo
Univedo.MicroORM Class Library
Univer's Common Library
Core components for Email Management in UniverCloud products.
Background Registered object for running task for sending emails on UniverCloud Web Products.
Entity Framework Data Mappings for Univercloud Email Database Structure.
Razor based email sending for UniverCloud products
SendGrid Base Email sending for UniverCloud Products.
Core reporting implementation for UniverCloud Products.
AspNet Mvc reporting implementation for UniverCloud Products.
Helpers for UniverCloud Programing Training for Codility Lessons and Challenges.