Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Converts HTML files to MHT format.
uDateFoldersy is a simple date folders package for Umbraco 6+.
nothing to describe
Test multiplo
Test multiplo
Test multiplo
A tool to simplify testing of classes with dependencies through constructor. Is used with Udir.IocContainer.Moq or Udir.IocContainer.NSubstitute.
A tool to simplify testing of classes with dependencies through constructor. Dependencies are created using Moq.
A tool to simplify testing of classes with dependencies through constructor. Dependencies are created using NSubstitute.
A tool for accessing DateTime.Now through a non-static property.
A tool for testing (asserting) mapping of properties by comparing one object to another.
A tool for testing (asserting) mapping of properties by comparing one object to another using NUnit as comparer.
A tool for testing (asserting) mapping of properties by comparing one object to another using XUnit as comparer.
Analyzers for .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") - Validations of Composite Format String at compile-time. - Quick-fixes for Composite Format Strings. Requirement: - Vistual Studio 2015+ - .Net Framework 4.5+
Package Description