Top 20 NuGet Packages

ThinkLogic Extenions Swagger
ThinkLogic Services Marketing
ThinkLogic Services Session NetCore
Package Description
An open-source framework can help you develop ddd+cqrs style applications. Support event-sourcing, multithreading, distribution. Also an infrastructure utility library. contains IoC, Cache, logging, Serialization...
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 // [Activity(Label = "App1", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")] [MetaData("com.amap.api.v2.apikey", Value = "your-apikey")] public class MainActivity : Activity { Com.Amap.Api.Maps2d....
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 iOS Project Options >> iOS Build >> Addtional mtouch Arguments: --gcc_flags="-stdlib=libstdc++" ///////////////////////////////////////// MAMapView mapView = null; public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); Thinkpower.BindingIOS.AMap_Map.MA...
// 版本号码:前3码是对应原生SDK版号,后1码是Nuget上传版号 //(代码于正式版时公开)
整合了 Consul 注册, Ocelot 网关集成 Swagger
Core components for ThinkSharp.CommonQL
UI for components for ThinkSharp.CommonQL
Component for creating advanced value filters
Simple library with fluent API for creating and verifying signed licenses
With thinktecture UIAnnotations you can declarative attach visual Adorners and Expression Blend Behaviors to your user interfaces, including smart tags, editor toolbars and visual state markers for required fields, edit states and more. It also can automatically attach adorners to elements while ref...
Strongly-typed Configuration for .NET Core - with full Dependency Injection support
Reads configuration from json files.
Converts JSON tokens using autofac.
Uses `IConfiguration` as the data source when creating strongly-typed configuration classes.