Top 20 NuGet Packages
Orchard Core CMS is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on top of the Orchard Core Framework.
Orchard Core CMS theme adapted for blogs.
The C++ Lexer Toolkit Library (LexerTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely fast lexicographical generator - lexer. The tokens generated by the lexer can be used as input to a parser such as "ExprTk".
The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient run-time mathematical expression parsing and evaluation engine. The parsing engine supports numerous forms of functional and logic processing semantics and is easily extendible.
Silk is a library and application (Weave) to expose features of CIL that aren't available in all CIL high level languages.
$ dotnet new -i Genocs.CleanArchitecture:0.1.0
$ dotnet new cleanarchitecture
It generates a .NET Solution following the Clean Architecture Style, DDD and Separation of Concerns in Domain, Application, Infrastructure and UI.
Orchard Core CMS is a Web Content Management System (CMS) built on top of the Orchard Core Framework.
The Coming Soon Theme with Landing page for a project that is under construction
Package Description
This is the Internet Project Template from the ASP.Net MVC 4 Beta
Farkle's command line helper tool. It can list the precompiled grammars of an assembly and create templated text like HTML pages from them.
Installing this tool is also required when building a project that uses the precompiler from Visual Studio for Windows, or with the classic "msbuild" command.
Simple WPF control for arranging the layout using its full space
simple combobox control with ability to filter items by text input using displaymemeberpath property or just item itself if items are strings
This is for test
The Fluentificator allows you to declare object and assign them values in a Fluent way
Just include TheFluentificator namespace in your class
and you're ready.
Wherever you need to create objects, or edit objects, you now have the With extension method, and you can call it in chain.
These are some generic JavaScript utilties. They should work without JQuery although this may change at some point in the future.
The D-ASYNC Execution Engine.
A state machine that uses a proxy interface for triggering.
This is the Internet Project Template from the ASP.Net MVC 4 Beta
$ dotnet new -i Genocs.MicroserviceTemplate::0.1.0
$ dotnet new microservice
It generates a .NET Solution with full fledged microservice components.
Package Description
The mime type detector for files (e.g. png, gif, jpeg, rtf, pdf, docx, zip, rar,...).