Top 20 NuGet Packages

A description of your package
Test Package Manager.
Test Package description
Test Package description
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Performance of installing a package only containing content files
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: A package that pops license acceptance dialog.
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Make sure the latest stable version is displayed in dialog.
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: A package with only dnxcore folders cannot be installed to regular .net projects.
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Make sure the File Conflict dialog is popped up.
My package description. more test
Test app
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: Make sure the read.txt is displayed when package is installed.
This is a test package created by the NuGet Team. Please disregard it. The package test this scenario: An error message is given after project's targetframework is retargeted.
My package description.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
This is the test package
to be removed